Browse Items (36 total)

The McIntire House, built in 1928, was the home of the late H. Ruth McIntire, a professor of Cooperative Extension for 34 years until her retirement in 1958. In 1967, McIntire donated the house, along with 1.7 acres of land, to the university in…

The story of the Aggie Inn is not one that is easily uncovered. An undated photograph that carries the caption, “Aggie Inn and Post Office,” shows a barn-like building and an old clear-globed gas pump. A jalopy which dates the photo between the…

What is now Haigis Mall was merely an open field at the University’s inception. Later, it became the Alumni Athletic Field, and finally Haigis Mall. Located to the East of Lincoln Avenue, and South of Ellis Drive, neither of which run through the…

Mills House was a former dormitory in the Central Residential Area of the UMass Campus. In 1970, Mills House was shut down as a dormitory and shortly after reopened as what today is known as the New Africa House, an academic space and home of the…

“Frat Row” was a staple of the University’s Greek Life. The houses at 401, 395, 389, 387, 385 North Pleasant Street and the Theta Chi and Phi Sig fraternity houses became what the students coined “Frat Row.” To the students, Frat Row was known as…

While many students shuffle in and out of UMass’ Blue Wall each day, few are aware that the modest cafeteria was once one of the wildest and most popular bars in Amherst. Throughout the 1970s and early 80s, the Blue Wall was notorious for being able…

Fort Devens was established in 1917 in Avery, Massachusetts as an army base. The base later served as a demobilization center for New England troops; after World War II, the fort was converted into a temporary campus for the University of…

The Marshall Annex was an ever-changing fixture of the UMass campus for many years before it was eventually demolished in 2006. Originally, the building stood as a barracks building at Westover Field, an Air Force base in Chicopee, Massachusetts. The…

Federal Circle, along with Commonwealth Circle, was an area developed at the university directly after the Second World War to accommodate veteran students and their families. It was located along Lincoln Avenue, on the site of the former R.O.T.C.…

Few knowledge seekers could visit the DuBois Library without also observing the picturesque Old Chapel, which once functioned as the university’s library, quietly situated below the looming tower’s rise. Disproportionately large, the DuBois library…
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