This website, created in honor of the University's Sesquicentennial, celebrates some of the landscapes that were once part of our campus but have now vanished. The notion for the site grew out of research undertaken by professors Marla Miller and Max Page as they worked to produce a volume on the University of Massachusetts Amherst Princeton Architectural Press's Campus Guide series. While that book explores and celebrates the campus’s architecture as it appears today through a series of walks and tours of the modern campus, it left little room to remember some of the places that were beloved by earlier generations of students, staff, and faculty.
Lost UMass exists as a complement to the Campus Guide. With help from UMass History graduate student Sarah Marrs, students in Professor Miller’s Fall 2012 course Introduction to Public History, have been researching the stories of campus structures that have been built, moved, repurposed, and torn down. The histories of these lost landscapes are presented on Lost UMass.
NOTE: Most of the photographs on the site have been taken from UMass Special Collections and University Archives: the image numbers are listed in the identifier field. In the few cases that an image has been taken from an outside source, a more fulsome citation is included in the identifier field.
Contributors to date: Lauren Ackerley, Lauren Aubut, Gabrielle D'Amour, Alex Freedman, Andrew Hackenson, Nick Hadley, Louisa Lebwohl, Kathleen Mackenzie, Sarah Marrs, Laura McNulty, Lee Palmore, Greg Richer, Jacqueline Tan